In the last six months before the end of the CESEPS project, in January 2019, the Consortium has arranged workshops and publications to maximise the visibility of the results achieved.
During the 5th transnational meeting at the University of Twente, in the Netherlands, on 26-27 June 2018, the Consortium agreed to organise a CESEPS workshop in the framework of the “Sustainable Urban Energy Systems Conference” at TU Delft Science Centre on 8-9 November 2018. Furthermore, project members were informed of the successful submission of several abstract, from both the Dutch and Austrian teams, for the “Grid Integration Week, Solar Integration Workshop” at the EU PVSEC Conference, scheduled for 16-17 October 2018 in Stockholm. In terms of publications, Angèle Reinders, CESEPS´ Coordinator, arranged the publication of a special issue on “Advanced Applications from Smart Energy Systems Considering Grid-Interactive Demand Response” in the MDPI journal of Applied Sciences. Finally, the Consortium will explore the opportunity for cooperation in the framework of the ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (SES) 2018 joint call REGSYS.
In the following months, before the closing meeting at the end of January 2019, the Consortium will work on comparing the results obtained by the Dutch and Austria Teams.